Schedule a Consult

Keep in mind any time differences. Indiana is on Eastern Standard time (New York time). Appointment times can be scheduled on Mondays through Fridays. A typical consult lasts between 45 minutes to 1 hour and the fee is simply $100. Any follow-up consults will be 20 -30 minutes in duration at a cost of $50. Those who are not suffering from a specific condition and only want an analysis and recommendation for basic supplement intake should ask for a 30 minute consult. The cost will be $50 and we can usually cover all family members during this time.
If you schedule a phone consult, we will CALL YOU. For example, if your appointment date is Wednesday at 10:00 a.m. (your time) we will call you between 10:00 and 10:15. We make every attempt to call at the start of your appointment. However, being that we see patients in real time between phone consults we sometimes run slightly behind. You will be transferred to the doctor and will spend the full time of your appointment together for your phone consult. If you will be coming into the clinic please plan on arriving 15 minutes ahead of time so all paperwork can be completed. Your journey down the road to better health will then begin! Feel free to call right now even if it is after hours. Leave us your contact information and we will return your call ASAP.